60 Years of Ministry at Pine Lake Camp

The Salvation Army’s Pine Lake Camp celebrated its 60th anniversary in August, 2018. To mark the occasion, the summer camp, located near Red Deer, Alta., was open to the public with many current and former officers/pastors, camp staff and campers from Pine Lake’s 60-year history attending the festivities.
During the celebration, guests were treated to tours of the facilities and live music by the big band Jazz Explosion. There were speeches, presentations and greetings offered by former and current camp counsellors, and the ceremony concluded with a prayer of thanksgiving.
“After a week of fun and friends, it’s hard to go home.”
“The overwhelming desire of those attending this event was that the ministry of Pine Lake Camp will continue to bear fruit for God’s kingdom for the next 60 years,” says Major Al Hoeft, divisional secretary for public relations and development, Alberta and Northern Territories Division.
Every summer, Pine Lake welcomes more than 600 children, ages seven to 16, who enjoy various camping activities, visit old friends and make new ones, learn about God and enjoy the outdoors. Children from all backgrounds are welcomed, including low-income, marginalized and foster-care families.
Fully equipped to provide children an experience they won’t forget, Pine Lake Camp is a place for kids to just be kids. From wall climbing and archery, to crafts and swimming, memories are made and children enjoy the extra support, love and attention. The camp also overlooks Pine Lake and there are benches dotted throughout for participants to have a little bit of quiet time and take in the view.
Every year, more than 4,000 children across Canada attend a Salvation Army summer camp. Your donations not only provide children with unforgettable adventures but, for many, it is the only vacation they will get.
Every year, more than 4,000 children across Canada attend a Salvation Army summer camp.
“I love all the parts of camp,” says Logan, one of the campers. “We get bedtime stories to help us sleep better and I learned how to canoe and climb a rock wall. We have campfires and sing songs. After a week of fun and friends, it’s hard to go home.”